This is How it is Done! - Case Studies for Download
This area you can download various examples of the use of the universal Human Detector (Standard model article: HD-SM) security technology. All examples are also applicable to the Human Detector Flex products.
These examples show only a small range of the scope of services of the Human Detector system. Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. The documents can be viewed online as well as saved to and printed on your own devises. Please note our copyright terms and regulations. Changes to these documents as well as copying in part or as whole and the publication in other documents, on internet pages, in emails etc. is only permitted with the prior written permission of heddier electronic GmbH.
For further information please contact our Human Detector support and sales department.
Phone +49 (0) 2864 95 178-0 oder This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..